Landy: It's a civil case - it's only about money.
I could only give one "like" to your comment, but that's not enough. You deserve few more.
i was pondering the recent influx of lawsuits against wt, specifically in regards to the child abuse cases (ie.
conti, fessler, lopez, etc).. in each of these, wt has settled for an "undisclosed" amount, assumed to be in the millions of dollars each.
i know there are many many more cases, subject for a different thread i'm sure.. i was reading something completely unrelated a while back that mentioned the dangers of settlement agreements for a large corporation or business (not just wt).
Landy: It's a civil case - it's only about money.
I could only give one "like" to your comment, but that's not enough. You deserve few more.
last night i told my mom my true feelings on the organization and what i've learned so far.
it all started from a conversation, we need to go visit the new headquarters.
my mom has been studying and just recently became an unbaptized publisher in the spanish cong.
do you finally have enough and say forget it??
That's your choice. But I know what I would say: "the hell with it" regardless of the consequences. However, my life and personality may be very different from yours. Take it easy until you fully weigh all options.
Good thing is that the Latino culture pays a blind eye to the GB orders to shun family members, especially sons and daughters.
hello.. i am a young 18 year old danish guy, who is a baptized jw.
since one year ago i have been maturing gradually and asking questions about many things, not only about jw stuff(which has caused some problems.
but nothing i couldnt handle with a bit of social skill).
The military stocks, even if proven true, are the least of the Watchtower's problems. To this day, I am not even convinced that that allegation matters. What matter is all the other stuff that strongly suggests that the Watchtower runs a cult whose main interest is money. The Watchtower has deceived, abused, and exploited innocent people, who are willing to give up their dreams, their time, their money and their lives (literally and metaphorically) for these despicable leaders.
just wanted to thank everyone so much for all your responses to my first post.
i am overwhelmed by all the replies and supportive comments that came through overnight while i was asleep here in aussie land!.
i will absolutely endeavour to reply to each one individually but it will take some time as there are a lot to go through.
And at the end of the day I value my integrity more than I care about the personal consequences.
I'd do the same if I were in your shoes. Easy for me to say; I have never been in your predicament
my parents got the “truth” while i was in primary school.
i was baptised at 14. i loved school and was extremely studious.
Welcome! . And thank you for sharing your story. It gives me hope to know that people are not being fooled anymore and are leaving. Little by little this religion will lose its power and control over innocent people.
we leave friday for his disney cruise wish.
he's also a big star wars fan, and they have a star wars day on one of the seafaring days.
to say we are all looking forward to this is an understatement.
from the new york daily post - tuesday 21 february 2017, page 14. the headline in the newspaper is: exclusive - cop quits in grief - undercover traumatized over killing innocent man.
nypd undercover cop resigns as he struggles with grief from killing innocent man.
an undercover cop who fatally shot a bystander during a gun-buy operation has resigned from the nypd — too distraught to remain on the force, the daily news has learned.. the former detective, who sources say suffers from posttraumatic stress disorder, left the nypd in october with a tax-free disability pension.
Orphan Crow,
DOC gave us a conclusion without knowing the facts or any analysis, but I keep an open mind to the scenario that DOC just suggested. An early retirement is attractive enough to make you actually believe that you are mentally work.
i've heard many experiences about how jehovah answers the prayers of jw's - convention items about pioneers gas bills, car repairs, job opportunities.
now, if this is true, you are actually stating that god has directly intervened in your life.
taken action on your behalf.
How can you imply this and expect people to take you seriously?
Unfortunately, anyone who calls himself a Christian has this narcissistic view of God. He is there to fulfill any of your wishes: get a job, give strength to endure, send punishment to people you dislike, cure cancer, bring back your loved ones safely, let you see a new day, etc etc. And all this takes place while God ignores the painful deaths of 9 million children under five y.o every year.
It's not a JW thing, it's a human thing. We are superstitious, selfish and narcissistic. And that's fine with me as long as there are great minds who keep us aware of those tendencies. Thank you Spinoza, Francis Bacon, Copernicus and all those who followed for saving us from ourselves
i have assigned myself a probably impossible task: i want to see if i can pick out the highlights of the evolution of judaeo/christian soteriology (doctrine of salvation).
i am making available the first draft very rough ideas of two chapters at:. .
The origin of life? We don't know... yet. We may never now
Morality? That's an easy one. Humans created it because it was a good set of rules to make cooperation within the group run smoothly. The morality we find in the Bible came from the neighbors of the Israelites, not an invisible entity in the sky, and today we only preserve very little of it. Christians can't bring themselves to follow all the horrible moral rules found in Deuteronomy and Leviticus, just to mention the main ones.
The biggest problem I have with Christians is their arrogance: If humans don't know something, or it's a bit controversial, therefore God exist, God is good, God saves...oh I almost forgot... It's THE GOD OF THE BIBLE. The others are not real.
Up until 5 years ago I used to be indifferent to religious zealots. Today, after lots of research on the Bible, Judaism and Christianity, I find Christians quite annoying. Their arrogance, supported by ignorance and credulity, is the main problem
day two (wednesday 8 february 2017).
see also posts and threads regarding: pre-trial / day one / day one update / day five (last day, settlement).
jefferson: not totally.. zeff: okay.
John Redwood:
a Hollywood producer entering the room on day 4
I like the sound of that. Why was he there? What do you know?